Article written by Sherelyn Schoch November 8, 2023

In today’s digital age, businesses of all sizes rely heavily on technology to operate efficiently and effectively. While this technological advancement has opened doors to new opportunities, it has also exposed them to a growing threat – cyber threats. Cyber threats encompass a range of malicious activities like hacking, data breaches, ransomware attacks, and more. The true cost of these threats to a business goes far beyond immediate financial losses and can be crippling in the long run.  We do have a white paper that gives more detail (as well as real life examples) on the cost of these cyber attacks.  

  1. Financial Impact

When most people think about the cost of a cyber threat, they often focus on the immediate financial implications. These can include the expenses associated with restoring compromised systems, paying for forensic investigations, legal fees, and potentially paying a ransom to cybercriminals. The monetary toll can be significant, but it’s only the tip of the iceberg.  (Remember the Titanic?)

  1. Reputational Damage

Your business’s reputation is one of its most valuable assets. A cyber attack can tarnish your brand’s image, erode customer trust, and make it difficult to attract new clients. It’s not just about financial losses; it’s about the long-term damage to your credibility in the eyes of your customers and partners.  We live in a small community where word of mouth is often our biggest advertiser!

  1. Legal Consequences

Data breaches and cyberattacks often result in legal consequences. Businesses may be subject to lawsuits, regulatory fines, and penalties for not adequately protecting sensitive customer and employee data. These legal battles can be costly and time-consuming, further adding to the overall expense of a cyber threat.  For instance, New York State has amended its Cybersecurity Regulation – if you do business in New York, are you up to date on this?  (Note, it started Nov 1, 2023!)

  1. Lost Productivity

During and after a cyber incident, your business may experience downtime. Systems might be down for investigation, data recovery, or repairs, causing a significant loss of productivity. Employees can’t work efficiently, and the business loses revenue as a result.

  1. Recovery and Remediation

After a cyberattack, businesses must invest in recovery and remediation efforts. This includes strengthening security measures, implementing new cybersecurity protocols, and training employees to be more vigilant against future threats. These measures come at a cost and often require ongoing investment.

  1. Customer Churn

Customers who have been victims of data breaches or identity theft because of your business may take their loyalty elsewhere. Losing customers and potential clients can have a long-lasting impact on revenue and growth.

  1. Opportunity Cost

Resources allocated to dealing with a cyber threat, including time, money, and personnel, could have been invested elsewhere to promote growth and innovation. Opportunity costs are the missed opportunities to develop your business that result from diverting resources to manage a cyber threat.

  1. Insurance Premiums

Businesses often invest in cybersecurity insurance to mitigate the financial impact of cyber threats. However, after an incident, insurance premiums tend to rise, increasing your operational costs.

  1. Employee Morale

Employees who experience a cyber attack firsthand can become demoralized, stressed, and less productive. The company culture may suffer, leading to talent loss and higher recruitment costs.

  1. Supply Chain Disruptions

A cyber threat can extend its damage beyond your organization, affecting your supply chain partners. If your business relies on the timely delivery of goods or services from third parties, a cyber incident involving them could disrupt your operations and increase your costs.


The true cost of a cyber threat to a business extends far beyond immediate financial losses. It encompasses damage to your reputation, legal consequences, lost productivity, recovery efforts, customer churn, opportunity costs, insurance premiums, employee morale, and supply chain disruptions. Preventing and mitigating cyber threats should be a top priority for businesses in today’s digital world. Investing in robust cybersecurity measures, training your employees, and being prepared for the worst can save your business from the potentially devastating consequences of a cyber attack. Remember, the cost of prevention is often much lower than the cost of recovery.

At Yetter Insurance Agency, we have noticed that this type of insurance is becoming more and more necessary to your business.  We’ve partnered with ProWriters Insurance to work on providing you with a Cyber Insurance Policy.  Do you need more information?  We talked about what Cyber Insurance actually is in August and that article can be found here.  Last month, we talked about what you can do to strengthen your Cyber Security.