Sherelyn Schoch

About Sherelyn Schoch

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So far Sherelyn Schoch has created 105 blog entries.

Plans for a rainy day

by Sherelyn Yetter Schoch Hey there, fellow business owners! Ever heard the saying, "We don't plan to fail; we fail to plan"? Well, this morning, I got thinking about it during a chat with a fellow insurance agency owner. We were discussing what would happen to our businesses if we [...]

2024-04-02T18:53:07+00:00April 9, 2024|

What is Business Insurance?

This article was originally published by the on May 19, 2023.  The original article can be found here. Business insurance protects you from the unexpected costs of running a business. Accidents, natural disasters, and lawsuits could run you out of business if you’re not protected with the right insurance. Pick [...]

2024-03-07T15:19:09+00:00March 8, 2024|

Do I Need Umbrella Insurance?

This article was posted by Stillwater Insurance.  The original post can be found here. A commonly asked question when considering purchasing Umbrella insurance is, "Do I really need it?" The answer to that questions depends on two things: (1) Do you own anything of value; and (2) How much risk [...]

2024-02-01T17:17:34+00:00February 8, 2024|

Merry Christmas!

A Christmas Carol Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834) I. The Shepherds went their hasty way, And found the lowly stable-shed Where the Virgin-Mother lay: And now they checked their eager tread, For to the Babe, that at her bosom clung, A Mother’s song the Virgin-Mother sung. II. They told her [...]

2023-12-06T17:59:01+00:00December 8, 2023|
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