News & Updates

News & Updates2023-02-07T19:08:44+00:00

Cyber Liability Risks

An original copy of this post by the Insurance Information Institute can be found here. In recent years, there have been an increasing number of costly computer hacking attacks against large companies, such as Target and Home Depot. But smaller companies face computer liability risks as well. Virtually all businesses [...]

March 8, 2022|

Love Beyond Words

The way you express your love each day, whether through words or actions, strengthens your relationships and makes those close to you feel valued. Love can be expressed in many ways: a  knowing glance, a kind deed, shared memories, a thoughtful gift, or words of encouragement. Getting life insurance is [...]

February 8, 2022|

How to winterize your boat

This blog was posted by Progressive Insurance.  The original blog can be found here. As the air gets cooler, the leaves start to change, and boating season draws to a close, it’s time to start preparing your boat for winter. How you winterize your boat depends on its make and [...]

December 7, 2021|

8 Tips for Working from Home

This article was written by Lauren Sovisky on August 5, 2020.  The original article may be found here. Who doesn’t love getting a few extra minutes of shut-eye and the more casual dress code that comes along with working from home? Working remotely can be great – except when your [...]

October 8, 2021|

Fall Safety for your pets

This article was written by Jenean McLoskey from Foremost Insurance.  The original article can be found here. When I think of fall, the first images that pop into my head are colorful foliage, apple cider, Halloween, cold weather, and shorter days. While the season is an exciting time for many [...]

September 23, 2021|

Travel like a pro

This is a blog post by Kaitlin Cassell  and you can view the original post here. Whether it's a luxury trip to a tropical island or a quick visit to the city, there's something magical about getting away. Everything feels new and exciting when you're on a trip! You can try [...]

June 8, 2021|
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