written by Sherelyn J Schoch of Yetter Insurance Agency Inc

We’ve had a pretty mild storm season so far this summer, but there are some storms that are forecasted in the next few days that may include wind, severe thunderstorms, and hail.  Protecting your property from hail damage requires proactive measures and preventive actions. Here are some steps you can take to minimize the risk of hail damage:

1. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on weather forecasts, particularly during seasons when hailstorms are more common in your area. This will allow you to anticipate hail events and take necessary precautions.  There are local text alerts for which you can sign up to get up-to-date information.

2. Secure Outdoor Items: Strong winds accompanying hailstorms can turn outdoor objects into projectiles. Secure or store items such as patio furniture, grills, and gardening tools indoors before a storm hits.

3. Install Impact-Resistant Roofing: Consider using impact-resistant roofing materials when replacing or repairing your roof. Impact-resistant shingles or metal roofing can provide better protection against hail damage.

4. Reinforce Windows: Install impact-resistant or reinforced windows on your property. These windows are designed to withstand the impact of hailstones and can significantly reduce the risk of damage to the interior of your home.

5. Protect Vehicles: If you have a garage or carport, park your vehicles in these covered areas during hailstorms. If no covered parking is available, use car covers or blankets to help minimize hail damage to your vehicle’s exterior.

6. Trim Trees and Branches: Regularly trim trees around your property to reduce the risk of falling branches during severe weather. Falling branches can cause damage to your property, including broken windows and roof damage.  This spring we noticed that there were some trees on our property that didn’t look so great after the winter.  We had them removed and found that they did indeed have disease inside.   They can become dangerous during high-wind events.

7. Consider Protective Screens or Shutters: Install protective screens or shutters on windows, especially if you live in an area prone to severe hailstorms. These barriers can help absorb the impact and prevent hailstones from shattering the glass.

8. Check and Maintain Gutters: Ensure that your gutters and downspouts are clear of debris. This helps prevent blockages that can lead to water backup and damage during heavy rainfall associated with hailstorms.

9. Consult with a Professional: If you live in a hail-prone area, consider consulting with a roofing professional or contractor who can assess your property’s vulnerabilities and recommend additional protective measures.

While these precautions can help minimize hail damage, it’s important to remember that hailstorms can be unpredictable and intense. In some cases, despite taking preventive measures, damage may still occur. Therefore, having adequate insurance coverage for your property, including coverage for hail damage, is essential for financial protection and peace of mind. Review your insurance policy to ensure you have appropriate coverage and understand the claims process in the event of hail damage.  Give us a call to review your business, home or auto insurance policies.