News & Updates

News & Updates2023-02-07T19:08:44+00:00

Wait…I Can Insure That?

When we think of insurance, we imagine home, auto, and even boat coverage. However, many don’t realize just how far you can go as to what you can insure. From a model taking out a policy covering the damage to her legs, to a comedian taking out a policy just [...]

September 26, 2018|

Tie The Knot (Then Insure It)

Congratulations! You and your significant other just got married, and now you’re starting your new life together. Before you get caught up in all of the exciting changes to come, there’s something you should consider insuring—the ring around your finger. Types of Ring Insurance There are two commonly used ways [...]

September 1, 2018|

Don’t Let Summer End In A Bummer

We’re about halfway done with the summer, and it’s going entirely too fast. Hopefully, you’ve had some time to get out on the lake, go camping, and make time to enjoy yourself. Summer is the time people bring out their boats, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and recreational vehicles (RVs). Whether you [...]

July 11, 2018|

Deciphering Car Insurance

One of the biggest milestones young Americans reach is when they earn their driver’s license. It represents the freedom to go wherever and whenever you’d like. As many drivers have learned by now, cars often come with a lot of obligations and rules to follow. Car insurance is one necessity [...]

February 2, 2018|

Don’t delay—resolve to address your family’s life insurance needs

Normally life insurance isn’t an enjoyable topic to discuss. It can seem unnecessary, complicated, or even uncomfortable. But to ensure the financial security of your loved ones in the event of a tragedy, life insurance should not be avoided. With the new year, you can make an impactful and beneficial [...]

January 22, 2018|

Thanksgiving Travel Tips

Thanksgiving is a time when we gather with friends and family to celebrate that for which we’re thankful, but it’s also a time to practice caution. When you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, keep in mind the added risks associated with the holiday. By following the simple tips outlined here, you can [...]

November 8, 2017|

If You Rent Out Residential Properties, Consider Landlord Insurance

If you rent out residential property, whether it be a house, apartment, or condominium, you should consider investing in landlord insurance. Landlord insurance provides protection from financial loss that results from damages to a rental property due to fire, storm, break-in, and more. What does landlord insurance cover? Depending on [...]

September 1, 2017|

If You Rent Out Residential Properties, Consider Landlord Insurance

[dropcap dropcp_first_letter="I" dropcp_style="enigma_dropcape_circle" dropcp_text="f you rent out residential property, whether it be a house, apartment, or condominium, you should consider investing in landlord insurance. Landlord insurance provides protection from financial loss that results from damages to a rental property due to fire, storm, break-in, and more."/] What does landlord insurance [...]

September 1, 2017|
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