News & Updates

News & Updates2023-02-07T19:08:44+00:00

Deer-Vehicle Collisions: Bucking the Trend with Driver Education

There’s more than one way to bag a buck – or a doe.  For motorists, that’s the costly and life threatening reality of driving on America’s roadways. Erie Insurance is one of the few insurance carriers that tracks deer collision claims and uses the information to help policyholders.  “We’ve been [...]

December 2, 2013|

Make Your Halloween a Treat with Safety Tricks

While many parents routinely inspect the pounds of tempting loot brought home each Halloween, it’s important to keep in mind that candy tampering isn’t the biggest concern kids’ face on this increasingly popular holiday, its motor vehicles. We urge motorists to be especially alert on Halloween.  Excited children often forget the [...]

October 23, 2013|

5 Reasons you need life insurance

Thinking about life insurance isn’t a lot of fun. But it can give you tremendous peace of mind to know that the people and things you care about will be protected even if something happens to you. Here are the top five reasons you need life insurance: for yourself, for [...]

September 27, 2013|

Filing a Business Claim

Owning a business can be stressful.  As a small business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate.  That’s why Yetter Insurance Agency, Inc. is here to help if anything happens to your business. Do you need to file a business claim? It’s very easy to do. Yetter Insurance  has [...]

August 16, 2013|

Talk to us!

No one liked taking tests in school: there was the studying beforehand, the stress during — and the worst part — waiting for results. But when you finally got that paper back with your grade scrawled on the top, you knew where you stood: what you knew, what you didn’t [...]

August 2, 2013|

College Bound Coverage 101: Protect expensive items

Students heading to college are packing more expensive items then ever before. And many are not bringing those items back home. The Independent Insurance Agents of America, Inc. (IIAA) reports that more than 100,000 property crimes occur on college campuses each year with an average of $1,250 in property loss.     [...]

July 23, 2013|

Local Secrets

Who would you rather do business with: a company headquartered halfway around the world, or one with an office right around the corner? If you’re anything like us, you think local is the way to go. We love working with other local companies. Not only is it good for our [...]

July 22, 2013|

Good Job!

Don’t you love getting a pat on the back? It’s so satisfying to know you’re doing a good job. Here at Yetter Insurance Agency, Inc., we have to admit, we love it too. Typically, our clients don’t see us on their good days: it’s on the days when cars wind [...]

July 12, 2013|

Guarding Your Investments

About 80 million baby boomers are getting ready to retire in the next few years. Are you one of them?  If so, Yetter Insurance Agency, Inc. has plenty of options for your retirement needs, including traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, annuities, and 401(k)s.  It’s never too late to start preparing for [...]

July 9, 2013|

Protect Your Home from Summer Storms

Ah, summer.. . . Time for barbeques on the back patio, baseball and ice cream. We hope your summer is full of nothing but sunshine, but unfortunately, some of nature’s most powerful storms take place between swim meets and summer strolls. Be sure to get your house ready for tornado [...]

June 28, 2013|

Protecting Your Business Family

When you’re a small business owner, you spend a lot of time with your employees. They work hard to help you achieve your dreams, keep your customers happy and earn a living. In many cases, they become like a second family. So how are you protecting your employee family? Many [...]

June 26, 2013|

Do I Really Need Life Insurance?

Short answer: Yes, you really need life insurance. But there are a few circumstances under which it’s absolutely critical that you have life insurance:   You have kids: If you have kids, having a life insurance policy on yourself is the best possible way to protect your kids. If your [...]

June 21, 2013|

Life Insurance Can Be a Gift

Life insurance is usually talked about as a way to protect your family financially in case of the worst. But what if no one is financially dependent on you—the kids are grown, and the rest of your family takes care of their own finances? Then, life insurance can be a [...]

June 14, 2013|
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